An international messaging standard IVMS101 for virtual asset transfers.
CODE uses the IVMS101 standard to exchange personal information related to virtual asset transaction.
- Please refer to the json schema and examples here .
- A field name of a message is expressed with camelCase whose first character starts with a lowercase. But, 'Originator','Beneficiary', 'OriginatorVASP', and 'BeneficiaryVASP' objects corresponding to Entity in ivms101 are expressed with PascalCase.
- The values of all fields are not case-sensitive unless otherwise specified.
- The values of all fields are always expressed with a UTF-8 encoded string. (including boolean, integer, real number, etc.)
- In principle, the values of all fields shall be written in English except when Korean is permitted.
IVMS101 Version
IVMS101 has been updated once since its release, resulting in two versions:
- IVMS101.2020: Initial version
- IVMS101.2023: Updated in 2024
Currently, all global Travel Rule solutions universally adopt IVMS101.2020, and all of CODE's guide content is based on this version.
Using different versions of the IVMS101 protocol between VASPs can disrupt communication. To ensure proper functionality, always adhere to the instructions outlined in the documentation when implementing.
Updated 3 months ago